3 Reasons Rule-Based Chatbots Rule

Chatbots continue to gain in popularity in customer service.

There’s no questioning why: they can address most simple customer issues 24X7 every day of the year at a lower cost than a customer service agent. It’s no wonder Gartner predicts twenty-five percent of customer service and support operations will be using some type of chatbot by 2020. 2020 will also be the year, according to another prediction by Gartner:

85% of all customer service interactions will be handled by a chatbot.

While most customers having a conversation with a chatbot probably believe it’s powered by some form of artificial intelligence, the truth is that’s not always the case. In actuality, it’s typically machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence doing the work. Machine learning relies on the system examining prior customer problems and solutions to understand what types of solutions work for customers and using that to power the chatbot.

Another method of powering chatbots is through a series of defined rules. These rules establish what types of problems the chatbot is familiar with and can deliver solutions for. Like a flowchart, conversations are mapped out as to what an anticipated customer interaction would look like and the appropriate solution or solutions to offer.

While artificial intelligence and machine learning hold a lot of promise for the future, there’s reason to reconsider their use at this time when implementing a chatbot. In fact, with the current state of technology, there’s an argument to be made that on the path to real intelligence, rule-based chatbots rule–for now, anyway.

Read more at https://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/3-reasons-rule-based-chatbots-rule-02125818

hi.guru’s Customisable Chatbot Solutions Offer Speed and Responsiveness

It is interesting to note that many customers already use or are ready to use bots for customer engagement. HubSpot Research found that 47% of consumers are open to buying items using a chatbot, while 57% of consumers are interested in getting real-time answers from chatbots on a company website.

Surprisingly, many customers are not really interested in whether it is a human or a bot they are engaging with. What they do want is better engagement on a one-to-one basis.

Businesses must focus on the experience, rather than the technology, when connecting with customers – help them wherever they are, whenever they need help, and put them in contact with the best person to help them.

At hi.guru we use AI, customisable chatbots, and human interaction in a multi-channel platform to enhance and augment the conversations businesses have with their customers, enabling both to focus on and improve their outcome.

To ensure your customers get the responsiveness and efficient communication they need when they need it, why not start your free trial with us and take your customer service to the next level.